Having sorted my Bungles images, I think I have four posts that I would like to share with you. On Sydney Eye, I have already taken you along on my helicopter ride, and I have shown you some reflections from within Cathedral Gorge. Now I would like to: bookend a Bungle Day; show you the delightful Bungle flora; take you into Cathedral Gorge; and squeeze you into Echidna Chasm. Hope you are up for it.
Not a creature was stirring - well, maybe a mouse. I adore the early morning, when the dew is fresh and the air has a bite, when the rays are weak but get warmer as one watches. This was the only morning of the entire trip where I used my jacket. I walked no further than 200m from my little wooden green 'tent'.
You don't need me to tell you that photography is all about the light, and sometimes to see what you are looking at you have to kneel or lie down regardless of the ant's nests.
Grass is a glorious subject that I have long revelled in. These were taken on F1.8 with a focal length of 50mm (fixed) with ISO of 400 yet with a shutter speed of 1/3200. So I wanted to let as much light in as possible and yet freeze the image. Seed heads sway annoyingly in the morning dew.
It was a busy busy day, with the gorge, the chasm and the chopper leaving not much time (or energy) for a sunset. So I went for a meander down the dry creek-bed in preference to the first 45 minutes of happy hour.
What are those sirens of the rocks on the Rhine in someone's opera. Birdies were like that as I tried to find a way through the tangle of grass beside the creekbed. I found them in the trees eventually. There will be a post on Bungled birds, too.
So you got the 50mm F1.8 - good isn't it. I've just talked someone else into getting one for indoor shots of her little girl. The grass shots are wonderful. Must remember to try that myself. Always admire other people's. Trouble is I have an aversion to getting down on the ground. Its not the getting down, its the getting up that's the problem.
Terrific light and colour. I slept in, no morning shots from me but i also like the soft evening light too.
Wonderful series of shots. I love the shot of the moon.
Yum, yum I love grass in low light and you are right about it jumping all over the place.
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